Bharatiya Psychology- the basis of Educational Training Bharatiya Psychology- the basis of Educational Training Psychological needs of the child should form the very basis of educational Training. Even after fifty years of independence the prevalent system of education in India has its roots in Western way of fulfillment of life, But according of Hindu Philosophy, the all-round development of the personality of the child is not possible without spiritual development. The Western philosophy based on the concepts of Darvin & Trevd can't impart fullness to life. That is why Vidya Bharati has laid maximum emphasis upon Bharatiya psychology and made it the very basis of her system of education baptized as 'Saraswati Panchapadiya Shiksha Vidhi' These five steps are :
Man should exercise moderation in daily life and should exercise control on his five organs of knowledge and five organs of action through the practice of Yoga. This will also ensure control on mind and sharpening of intellect resulting in optimum and balanced development of all aspects of his personality. Performance of one's socially prescribed duties without pride or prejudice; attachment or revulsion but with intelligence and dedication is the highest Dharma of an individual. What these duties are is to be determined by the state, the society and the individual himself. The divinity in man must be accepted and respected by the State and the society and they should ensure his autonomy in personal matters subject to the performance of socially prescribed duties by him.
The life style and life activities of an individual should be inspired by a sincere desire to help and serve others.
An individual must respect and obey the State which provides him peace and security of life and man should fulfill his obligations towards the society.